Christmas is almost here! whether I'm ready or not!
The stores are still open for the things I forgot
But I'm not going! It's snowing!
I'll be walking out side
to soak in the peacefulness, mouth opened wide
I will let the snow melt, Oh! it felt good to me
when I was a kid, that's how I want to be
When I open my gifts I hope I find a sled
and that night, after prayers, when I jump into bed
I'll remember who slick that snow felt on the hill
and I went down more times than my Dad
What a thrill to go sledding
I'm dreading that I must stay old
and go to my office and do what I'm told
but my mind will be tasting that hot cocoa, steaming
and I will be young!
deep in memories
When I was a kid my Dad would take us all in the back of his pick-up to a special sledding place near-by, and what fun it was to sled even if you had to wait your turn. Now we live just below a hill, and when the kids come, they get taken up the hill in a truck or with the tractor, and can go right down to our house if the snow is just right.
We used to have a big supply of coats, in case some one came without one, mostly down that I had picked up at yard sales or the DI , but last week we gathered up most of them and took them to the PEOPLE TO PEOPLE store, where prices are low and if people don't have money, they are free. Lots of cold people around this year. We also took 2 large boxes of apples to the Salvation Army, they take food to poor people, she said many are out of money and food this year. In fact, I think we'll take the rest that we saved for us to donate also. I'd hate to be out of food. It's a hard time for folks, and we are greatly blessed! Besides, we don't need applesauce and I'm tired of canning anyway.
I don't go sledding any more, I'm the photographer and the cocoa maker. Just as fun.


Good for you. I am going to clean out some of our closets. Must be that time of year.
I love your poem. I was always scared to go sledding but I do like my hot cocoa.

December 23, 2009 at 9:57 AM  

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