Happy father'sday! Today I got to give a talk at church. I love giving talks at church, especially if Ican work in a poem or two. First I told about my great great great grandfather, Peter Maughan (as told by Wilford Woodruff)
In one occasion Bishop Roskelly of Cache Valley was suddenly taken very sick...near to death's door. While he lay in this condition President Peter Maughan , WHO WAS DEAD, came to him and said: "Bro. Roskelley, we held a council on the other side of the veil. I have had a great deal to do, and I have the privilege of coming here to appoint one man to come and help. I have had three names given to me in council and you are one of them. I want to inquire into your circumstances"
The Bishop told him what he had to do, and they conversed together as one man would converse with another. President Maughan then said to him "I think I will not call you. I think you are wanted here more than perhaps one of the others"
Bishop Roskelly got well from that hour. Very soon after, the 2nd man was taken sick, but not being able to exercise sufficient faith, Brother Roskelly did not go to him. By and by this man recoverd, and on meeting Brother Roskelly, he said, "Brother Maughan came to me the other night and told me he was sent to call one man from the ward" and he named two men as had been done to Brother Roskelly.
Af few days afterward, the 3rd man was taken sick and died.
Now, I name this to show a principle. They have work on the other side of the veil; and they want men, and they call them. That man was wanted behind the veil"
Now, that is a real story, the Lord lets people come back as messengers.
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