Knowing that procrastination is, at least in part, a matter of habit, I will do the following as a matter of breaking the procrastination habit:
I will make the bed as soon as it is empty
I will fill the ice tray immediatly and put it away
I will put the toilet paper on the roll before it is half gone
I will put away what I get out and will not say I will be using it again soon
I will handle the mail as soon as I pick it up and will not leave it in a pile
to consider later
I will hang up my clothes and put away my shoes as soon as they are off my body
I will be visually sensitive to anything out of place
I will remember those three tender little words:
which my conscience whispers when I am tempted to procrastinate.
Yeah, right. The only one I really always do is make the bed the minute I get out of it. Dee can't understand why I have more than two pillows
but I think it's a girl thing.


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