HOME FROM THE TRIP Here is a photo of me, Beth, Allen, and Stephen, one of the few times we've been together without a reunion going on. We had stopped in at Pasco for lunch with Steve and Joyce. Our next stop was in Everett WA. to visit my older sis Marge and family.

She was well enough from the stroke last year to go with us to Camas, WA. for the wedding of our niece, Teri Meng.So fun to visit with everyone.
Then we were off to a couple of days on the Oregon coast, at Lincoln City. We were gone a total of 7 days, and all in all, we had a great time, but I'm always glad to get back home again. It takes me another 3 days to get rested up. But getting away is worth it.
A couple of new blogs added on you may want to check out : lorinsteve.blogspot.com
drpepper.blogspot.com . They are both my nieces, young and fun


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