I love dolls.
All kinds of dolls, and this is how it began


Back in the year 2000 I did a very dumb thing that turned out to be great. I met a lady at a yard sale who had a basement full of dolls which she was going to sell since she had to move into town. I saw some that were very valuable, being old, and I said, "I think I can sell some of those for you on e-bay and make a lot more than you're selling them for."

*A few hours later, I unloaded my car and had 58 dolls in the living room, all over the lIving room. The interesting thing about this was not only did I know nothing about e-bay, I didn't even use the computer. My husband had been after me for a long time, but I kept ignoring him, saying I was too old to start something new.

*Within a few weeks (or was it months?) I finally figured ouT how to list, got my son to take digital photos, and was on my way. The first thing I sold were some dolls named BABY BEANS.(like the pink one pictured) I had five of them, and got them listed. Amazingly the bid ended at $105.00. I was puzzled when the buyer wrote back and said she only wanted the yellow one, and would pay the whole amount. Seems her son had a yellow one when he was young, and she wanted to give him this one for his birthday. So off it went in the mail

*I relisted the others and they sold for a good sum also, and I was in business. Selling dolls proved to be great fun, doll collectors are wonderful people who like to correspond and visit and compare notes. I shipped dolls to Italy, Germany, France, Canada, China, Japan, Brazil (that one was a problem) and many states. In the end, both the lady and myself made $1500.00, and by then I knew much about computers.

* I later found a lady (another yard sale) who had an attic full of dolls. Her mother was old, living in San Francisco, and she had knitted outfits for many many dolls, moved to Oregon and shipped all of them to LaGrande. She was happy to sell them to me for $1.00 to $5.00 each, and I made even more money. Many days we tromped up and down the narrow stairs with bags full of dolls. Some of my favorites were RAGGEDY ANNS, and it was hard to part with them. But I knew some more would come later on.
This big Andy is 36" tall and the biggest one I've ever had. When we were at the coast, in Lincoln City we found this little toy and antique shop, and in the corner on the very bottom shelf there he was, just stuffed in. He was mine, you can just tell when something belongs to you, even before you pick it up.
They say that grown up people who like dolls just didn't have enough when they were little, but I think I liked them so much then, I just always will.
I am amazed at what people will pay for the dolls they find on the great E-BAY
The baby-boomer folks it would seem
want to just relive their childhood dream
A Barbie doll or a Mickey Mouse
or Chatty Cathy or a tin dollhouse
Sometimes it seems like we are haunted
by things we didn't get, but wanted
or things we got and Mom threw away
when whe was cleaning house one day
Mom is looking to replace the dish
that she used to have, she will hope and wish
that she'll find it there, on the e-bay line
then everything will be just fine
Dad will want to check out old books
or sports car things or fishing hooks
Somehow it doesn't seem quite like shopping
if you're on the computer just channel hopping
and the mailman comes with priority
and the box brings joy to you and me
for I am the seller
and the money you send will make me happy
I won't pretend
because I'll simply turn around and buy
the things that are listed by some other guy
there's one thing about'cha
I don't know how we lived without'cha


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